Skriftlig InfoMethodologyModular writingRequirements for tools for modular writing

Requirements for tools for modular writing

When you work with modular writing, this places special demands on the tool you will use. Unfortunately, traditional office support tools rarely support the special functions you need.

The essential special functions that the tool must support are:

Additional functions are:

It is a prerequisite that the tool supports this standard functionality. It should not be required to work part-time for a long period as a programmer, or hire expensive consultants, to make special adaptations. There are already commercial tools that "out of the box" support these functions. Most of these are XML editors.

If you work in a workgroup, your variables and profiles must be standardized. Everyone must use the same variables and profiles to reuse the information elements and text fragments. Each writer can select the correct value for the variables used in their publication. Before using, define any exceptions for all working group members.

Related texts

Using variables in the text

Profiling text fragments

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GRP 2023-01-23