Skriftlig Info ➜ DITA publishing ➜ DITA topics ➜ Stem topic
A stem topic is a stand-alone data module (normally a concept topic) that only contains a title (<title>) and possibly a short introduction (<shortdesc>). The stem topic is used to establish a stand-alone heading at the beginning of a chapter or a set of topics. The stem topic is brought into the subject map using <chapter> or <topicref>, and the structurally underlying modules are nested into the topic. The term "stem topic" is not defined in the official DITA standards.
The term "stem topic" is not a standard designation that you find in the Oasis documentation. Nevertheless, it is a topic that is both useful an necessary. Different DITA users have different names for it.
A stem topic contains a <title>, perhaps a <shortdesc>, and possibly index terms. A stem topic is used to place a heading in front of a number of topics at an underlying level.
To understand the purpose of a stem topic, we have to look at the structure we build up in a map. A bookmap is used here:
Here, the first chapter contains five sections in a flat structure, as follows:
The five sections each have their own title and contain more or less text. These are placed under chapter 1. This chapter must also have a title, but no text . Since <chapter> must be a topic, we create a stem topic that only contains the desired title. In this way, we get a structure that looks like this, for example:
To create a stem topic for "Introduction", these DITA elements are used::
The example in the illustration shows how a stem topic only contains the title Operating procedures.
Naturally, a stem topic can contain more than just the title. How much information such a voice should contain before it becomes a "regular topic" must be made a rule in the writing team. In my team, we have decided that a stem topic should only contain a title (<title>), but that it is allowed to add a generic introduction (<shortdesc>). Whether it is permissible to enter indexes must be agreed upon in the writing team. Here you have to make rules.
The advantage of creating rules for this is that very many titles are used in very many books. This means that a stem topic containing, for example, the title Introduction can be reused in countless publications. Such reuse means that titles (and preferably also structure) are consistent in all publications where the stem topic is reused. It is also only necessary to translate it once. By reusing stem topics, it is even easier to establish links between the various parts of the publication.
Creating a new DITA topic from a template
Creating a new DITA topic by duplicating an existing topic
Inserting a topic into a topic map
Inserting a topic into a bookmap
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