Skriftlig InfoDITA publishingDITA topicsCreating a new DITA topic by duplicating an existing topic

Creating a new DITA topic by duplicating an existing topic

When you need a new topic, always start by checking if it already exist. If you find an existing topic that is 'almost perfect', duplicate it to make a new topic. Change the new topic to fit your publication.

(This procedure is based on the Tridion Docs database repository and Oxygen XML editor. Other tools have similar functionality.)


You have all the tools available, and the relevant access rights to develop new content. You have found an existing topic that you can duplicate.


If you find an existing topic that only needs small changes to fit in your publication, you can save a lot of time. When you duplicate a topic, you will also duplicate its content and its metadata. However, unless you have used libraries, you will make a copy of all the text in the existing topic.


    Properties Duplicate
  1. From the editor's main menu, select Tridion DocsBrowse repository.
  2. In the database structure, navigate to the folder where you have found the existing topic.
  3. Right-click on the existing topic and select Duplicate on the short-cut menu.

    Observe that a copy is made.

  4. Right-click the new object and select Properties.
  5. In the dialogue box that opens, fill in all relevant metadata fields.

    Pay special attention to the metadata title. Create a title that meets all relevant naming rules.

    Note that the metadata from the existing topic have been copied to the new topic.

  6. Click OK.
  7. If necessary: Move the topic to another folder.
  8. Right-click on the new object and select Check out.
  9. Make the relevant changes to the content.
  10. Recommended: Before you finalize the topic, do this:
    1. Add two <comment> elements just below the <title>.
    2. Copy the topic's metadata title into the top <comment>.
    3. Copy the topic's GUID identifier into the next <comment>.

    Like this:

    <title>The topic's title (shown in the publication)</title>
    <comment>The topic's metadata title</comment>
    <comment>The topic's GUID identifier</comment>

    The information in the comments is displayed when you preview the topic. When you import the topic into a topic map, copy these comments into the map. This allows you to clearly see which topic you have linked to.

  11. From the editor's main menu, select Tridion DocsCheck in.

Reusing text fragments

When you duplicate a topic, you will also duplicate its content. Unless you have used libraries, you will make a copy of all the text in the existing topic.

This means that any changes or corrections to this text must be done in two topics. The text is not reused.

This is why library topics are provided. Create a library, move the common text fragments to this library. Link the text back into both topics. That is reuse! You now have one text to maintain, and one text to translate.

Related concepts

About DITA topics

Topic content and structure

DITA Task topic

DITA Concept topic

DITA Reference topic

DITA Glossary topic

Stem topic

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