Skriftlig Info ➜ DITA publishing ➜ DITA conditions (profiles)
Profiling means that a given text fragment is given one or more conditions in the form of defined values. These values define a characteristic or an attribute that is added to the information. By selecting corresponding values in the publishing process, you can either include specific information in the resulting book or remove information that should not be included. You can define as many profiles as you want, and give them any value. Don't do that. Believe me, I have tried. Profiling must be used with care.
(Photo by Silas Baisch on Unsplash)
Examples of conditional text in DITA
Creating a condition with values
Applying a condition to a selected element
Applying conditions using logical 'and'/'or'
All external links open in a new window. I take no responsibility for information on external websites, even if I have linked to them. Please report links that do not work.
The information on this page represents my personal opinions and my understanding of the topic being described. Feel free to link to the page, but do not copy large parts of the content without permission. I take no responsibility for any errors, misunderstandings or missing information. I also take no responsibility for any mistakes you may make or cause as a result of incorrect or missing information. You are welcome to contribute with comments, relevant experiences or additional information. See Editor and contact information.
GR 2022-12-31