Skriftlig Info ➜ DITA publishing ➜ DITA library topics ➜ Creating a new DITA library topic
DITA library topics
When is it a good idea to establish a library?
Where should the library be located?
Basic rules for using libraries
Content types for library topics
(This procedure is based on the Tridion Docs database repository and Oxygen XML editor. Other tools have similar functionality.)
You have all the tools available, and the relevant access rights to develop new content.
A DITA library topic is defined as follows:
A DITA library topic is a stand-alone data module that contains multimodal text. The module is created using a standard, non-specialized DITA topic. The text fragments contained in the library can be reused in multiple DITA topics using the mechanisms in DITA. The most common mechanism for retrieving information from a library is the <conref> element.
With libraries you can reuse text fragments:
A text fragment denotes each individual component of an information element. The text fragment consists of a multimodal text, and can for example contain a word, a sentence or an illustration. As part of the information element, the fragment can be reused in different contexts. Reuse takes place by electronic linking in a tool that supports such functionality.
Creating libraries is often a question of balance. It is important that we do not create too many libraries, because that makes it difficult to find the information we want to reuse. At the same time, it is equally important that each library is not too large.
A copy of the existing topic is created.
Make sure that you do this with the new object! Do not change the old one!
The typical content is one or more elements with text. All text should be provided in <p>/<ph> element structures, like this:
<p><ph>Text</ph></p> <p><ph>Text</ph></p>
The fewer elements you put into the library, the better. A typical maximum number is five elements.
Leave any <title>-elements empty.
Like this:
<conbody> <title>-</title> <comment>The library's GUID-identification</comment> ... </conbody>
The information in the comment is displayed when you preview the library topic. This makes it easier to retrieve the GUID identifier from the library when it is needed.
When is it a good idea to establish a library?
Where should the library be located?
Basic rules for using libraries
Content types for library topics
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The information on this page represents my personal opinions and my understanding of the topic being described. Feel free to link to the page, but do not copy large parts of the content without permission. I take no responsibility for any errors, misunderstandings or missing information. I also take no responsibility for any mistakes you may make or cause as a result of incorrect or missing information. You are welcome to contribute with comments, relevant experiences or additional information. See Editor and contact information.